
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

ARGH -.-

haizzz gp paper dont at least:)))) but idk whether i am good ma, whether i pass or not. welll i guess this will be my last post. see u after promos :)))))) >

be back on the 7/10/10 :DDDD

Sky says BYEBYE! :D, 6:39 PM.

Friday, September 24, 2010

# 28 too close for comfort

a weekend to come. yet i feel so apprehensive and scared about it. Feel so compelled to just give up and wish everything could just be normal again. I hate feeling stressed and all :// just dont like it

prom(os) are already coming. its coming fast and furious just like Japan's bullet train(or is it even japan???!!). Well, i hope this time i study wont be a sandbag against the tide and that i really hope and pray over all my 1111 tweets that i will come out alive and in one piece(*crosses fingers). If well if i get into different pieces, people also cant eat me :))) i am poisonous remember??? oh well, we gotta do what we have to do! hope all this comes out well.

i should be studying now, at this very moment, but due to my nature, i am slacking agn. Like my fiery warrior once said, *quotes* " when do i ever learn?". hahahaha :) energizer also say " u must change..."

today been in sch for quite long. had some consultation. then went home. now lying on the bed, i really feel like sleeping.....

super cuiiii. dont know why also. random thought. well somehow i alw miss 11.11 like i just did, now its 11.16.... nice =)..

Sky says BYEBYE! :D, 8:05 AM.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

#27 6 more days

haiizzzz i thought it was so far away! but now it seems so close. i havent been studying as well as last time. already slacked a lot le =////. regretted but cant turn time back. now to mug mug mug!!!!
have not been sleeping well due to this. rest also cant rest well =X
late nights everyday due to pw too :((((
cui cui cui

hope that i really promote :((((((((((
i really think i CMI!!!! i think i will retain le la
die le lo

Sky says BYEBYE! :D, 8:08 AM.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

#26 hmmm just bored i guess

Well, promos are coming soon ://// nicholas told me a lot of things that i didn't know. i feel so 自卑 sometimes, its like i havent attended sch eever.
feel so useless sometimes, cannot study well at all, the holiday's coming to a close, i admit i havent really been studying.

I finished a lot of stuff this few weeks. Hope its good:) really do. i pray and hope! <3.

现在生活只要自己要坚持的话,我相信我可以熬得下去。 我也希望历史再不会重演,后果不会那么不堪设想,让我觉得生活还有事情需要我继续活下:)

all the best for promos everyone and jiayou :)))))))

Sky says BYEBYE! :D, 5:56 PM.

Sky! (:

About meeeeee
A guy, now 17 years old(or is it 1+7?) has bearbear beside me all the time, dont be surprised at that! Joined Cuesports at PJC! Awesome man! Well, i can't do without music. Born on 22/02 Currently in 10S02, awesome class, cause we are assholes too=))

Soft toys
Anything Vanilla :)))

Sometimes chocs

Sky's wishlist!

All your desires/wants here!!!!
(Sky wants to bite you :) *kidding!*
Black Crumpler bag
Guitar hero discs
New Closet
more shirts and t-shirts
new headphones
NRIC for maple
new converse shoes(school/going out)
straight Bs for promos

Sky Talk!

ShoutMix chat widget
Sky's Network :).
Sky's Memories.
Blogskin by: ♥Exothermic-x
Basecodes: Various sources.
Special thanks to: Pearly=))))))
Picture: Google search,Flickr & Photoshop CS3!