
Monday, June 28, 2010

#14 Bio paper on a monday -.-

so its actually monday bluezzzz( OSIM-- OH SHIT ITS MONDAY)
careless all over the place
after that go lot ! ate mac!!!!
cool!! =))) bought pens and soft toy ;)

Sky says BYEBYE! :D, 2:01 AM.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

4 732559999999999999999999999 6477777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888! ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 4 732559999999999999 56833333333333333 8888888 866666

Sky says BYEBYE! :D, 11:00 PM.

#13 Econs mye

wa not to be so superstitious, but this post number 13, wa today econs mye also bad day sia

slept at 1 plus 2. couldnt sleep after squeezing in econs into brain until 12.30am. hai D: talking on phone ;DDDDDD then tryy to sleep with warm warm water n wwarm warm blanket. finally slept at about 2. then woke when the alarm went.. superrr tired
worsens the friday for me
then do econs paper
didnt complete D::: T.T
somemore llast part of 8 marks tradeable permits nvr do
taxation do le =)
trends also nvr do...........
hai D: dont know whether can pass ma econs T.T
hope cannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn..........................................................................................

Sky says BYEBYE! :D, 10:47 PM.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

waaaaaaaaaa. its coming fast and furious!!!! DDDDD:
i havent studied a lot of stuff!
econs in two days ahhh.
spent the whole hols playing!
wait! was it even called hols????? LOLS !!!!!!~~~
:))) on the bright side, next thursday can go play le !!!! WHEEEEEE!!! POOL!!! GH!
tata last post for now till until after MYE good luck to all and jiayou! i must too =))))))

YESTERDAY was a sunny yellow bannan day haha! xD

Sky says BYEBYE! :D, 12:45 AM.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mood: Moody, haha

lol yupp, feels off today. dont know how long it will last. hope it doesnt end=)

Sky says BYEBYE! :D, 1:28 AM.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

#010 well

I think a lot of things are happening these four days.
Lazy to blog le
On thursday, went out the whole day after waiting in sch
friday-sunday stay @ home to mug how boring
i guess for now (:
Signing off

Sky says BYEBYE! :D, 7:43 PM.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

#008 a day in paradise

Today i woke up at 10 plus. MY body clock failed today i guess. Supposed to pei pearly thru physio. I failed. SORRY D: felt a little moody. But then went out with lunch with mum @ subway. YAY!!!! MEATBALL MARINARA!!! <3 hehe. then went on a shopping spreeeeee. SPENT ABOUT $90.00!!!!!!! WA HEAVEN SIA!!!! then bought something extra! hehe<3

then rushed back to msn and try audit, but failed. tried to sleep but cant. Then had dinner. PASTA + PIZZA :DDDD
MEATBALL again! TODAY macham Meatball Wednesday =))))

Then helped pearly with chem!! =) hope i helped =)

Sky says BYEBYE! :D, 1:30 AM.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

#009 HAIZ
pictures will come tmr, i noobbb dont know anything stupid T.T

Sky says BYEBYE! :D, 10:18 AM.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

#007 blogskin

I just changed my skin not so long ago. it looks so awesome and cool!!!!
Rating: 10/10
Thanks to pearly for helping me do the skin :DDDD cause i m a noob in this kind of stuffff de =(((.
Thanks so much!!!!!
i would love to use the skin!
hey, pearly maybe u want to change to this blogskin too?

Sky says BYEBYE! :D, 7:56 PM.

YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#006 hehe

Sky says BYEBYE! :D, 6:05 PM.

#005 hmmm

Thinking about it, i havent sacrificed so much for a girl b4. Knowing that i would be scolded by parents and that i m needed somewhere else, i still perservere on!

I have not done so much for a girl b4 as well!
She has taken my heart away! =) i have fallen head over heels with u baby. I love u!

Sky says BYEBYE! :D, 5:32 PM.

#004 Another Holiday day

Today was super tired T.T slept late and woke up really early. hmm i really think my body clock told me to wake up and go to sch with her=)
Well. i went to sch quickly and then saw her. brandon was there too. kay..
then they had pw discussion
onto headphoness!!!!!
gold + silver Thanks pearly for the offer=) YAY! ( the silver was damn pretty)
then saw nic n eugene havin warrrr sia.... T.T hai
saw that pearly is goin into pool competition with bryan(not me)
Pearly, must jiayou kay? i believe that u can do it de!!!!!! ^^^
i will be there on that day =))) i promise

Pearly's laptop kena virus
help her call into acer there waited for 25mins, heard the thing 8 times i think
hahas! it was worth to wait
Lunch at macs
went her house
backup her laptop files
then had lunch
then began refomatting her com

Switch on the com
hold alternate and press F10 infinte times=))) ( okay i swear, my eyes really drifted to the F10 button when i was blogging ....)
cool man!
YAY! then the com is back to normal now
i hope=)

came back home late for mum's standard
hai think gonna get grounded! T.T D:
see ba =))))))
very happy gonna get headphones!!!!

T.T got swimming test tmr
think sure fail de
not been listening and studying....
T.T D:
i think i need company tonight for studying
hope i can pass...
Signing off

Sky says BYEBYE! :D, 3:59 PM.

Monday, June 7, 2010

#003 What I think of V Day

Hmm just a random thought about Valentine's Day <3 ;]

Well, what i think of this is that, i prefer being romantic. Buying flowers:) bringing her out for romantic dinners. well since its oncee in a yr, maybe candlelight or a expensive nice place. With nice ambience. Well, i will see what she likes ba :)) <3 hmmm or ritz carlton, something nice, cool ambience, heard the buffet very good=).

I will buy for her a present for her too. and enjoy the day out with her, no matter where, how, and when. I will <3 her not only that day, but the other 364 days as well and counting!!!!! =))))))

Well, i prefer to do romantic things. goin to the beach , to see the sunset, love the sunset and stuff. Flowers is a must! =) That's what i think, because flowers show yr affection for that person. yuppp=))))

Sky says BYEBYE! :D, 9:40 PM.


Yay the start of the june hols! hahah.
1 week in le.... I have not studied, kept goin out!!!
=)))) had so much fun

especially at the zoo. Did not know that the zoo could be this fun. Went with pearly, jeanette, hanjun, brandon, sheryl and pearly's mum. thanks for the invite pearly =) <3 it man!
Enjoyed it totally, camwhoring, take pictures with animals, laughing over no apparent reason, Random stuff =))) Bimbo, ahhhhhH!!!!!

1st week had school though super sienzzz.
Worst thing, had 2.5hrs of chem today wa......

yesterday, went shopping. bought 2 bermudas, adidas stuff. gloomy notebk=) and badge. The Malaysian friends are here to stay for just a day more. then back to peace n quiet :0 hate quiet n loneliness....

Hope she liked the notebook <3

Anyway, must study soon le. MYE coming up after june T.T D; arghh.

Sky says BYEBYE! :D, 7:57 PM.

#001 First Post! =))

Well, this is a revival of my old blog.
I somehow felt like bloggin again=))))
I love bloggin now somehow. =)))

Signing off
Sky <3

Sky says BYEBYE! :D, 3:00 PM.

Sky! (:

About meeeeee
A guy, now 17 years old(or is it 1+7?) has bearbear beside me all the time, dont be surprised at that! Joined Cuesports at PJC! Awesome man! Well, i can't do without music. Born on 22/02 Currently in 10S02, awesome class, cause we are assholes too=))

Soft toys
Anything Vanilla :)))

Sometimes chocs

Sky's wishlist!

All your desires/wants here!!!!
(Sky wants to bite you :) *kidding!*
Black Crumpler bag
Guitar hero discs
New Closet
more shirts and t-shirts
new headphones
NRIC for maple
new converse shoes(school/going out)
straight Bs for promos

Sky Talk!

ShoutMix chat widget
Sky's Network :).
Sky's Memories.
Blogskin by: ♥Exothermic-x
Basecodes: Various sources.
Special thanks to: Pearly=))))))
Picture: Google search,Flickr & Photoshop CS3!